Some people had truly horrible high school experiences.
I was scrolling through Reddit as I always do while drinking my black coffee (a true cowboy always drinks it straight black) when I came across a thread asking people about their worst high school experience.
Now, as we all know, Reddit is a roller coaster when it comes to what kind of content you might find. For every uplifting and fun thread, there’s a brutal one waiting around the corner.
It’s the latter one that brings us here today.
People go viral with high school experiences.
I knew I had to click as soon as I saw a thread titled “What was your worst experience in high school?”
How could I not? Going to high school is one of the few things all Americans have in common seeing as how it’s mandatory, and we all know experiences vary.
Buckle up because the stories in this thread are wild. Read some below, and let me know your thoughts.
- My girlfriend broke up with me on my birthday, a week away from Senior Prom. She apparently felt guilty because she slept with my “best friend”. F*cking crushed me at the time. 2 days before prom, I opened my locker to a golden tux and a ticket to prom. 7 girls pitched together, bought the tux, and took me to prom. Both worst, and best experience.
- Watching the same people who bullied me on a daily basis being the ones presenting anti-bullying rallies.
- Finally asking out my long time crush. She was laughing no. Jokes on her. She became a meth addict and is now homeless from what I heard.
- Being there
- A kid threw up on my full lunch tray. I brown bagged it for the next three years.
- I got dumped by a girl I really cared about right at the beginning of the school year. That whole year was awful. I’m from a small town and a small school, and she and I were involved in a lot of the same extracurriculars – I couldn’t escape from the pain of it.
- Falling in with the wrong crowd. Find the people who get you. You get to decide who your friends are
- Wow, I don’t even know where to start! One thing from my freshman year stands out. There was this guy who was constantly flirting with me, which was such a thrill since I was neither popular nor attractive. When he asked me out, I was so excited and met him at the movies. I waited for two hours, and he didn’t show up. The worst moment was having to tell my mom about it when she picked me up. I later found out it was just a prank his friends were playing.
- Guys hitting on me as a joke. Now I trust nobody when they say “I like/love you”.
- Realizing about half my childhood friends became really sh*tty people. I was becoming sh*tty freshman year then pivoted after my friend and I had a long talk with his older sister. She was a mentor to my whole core friend group.
- Music class on first day . First time I had ever taken an instrument or clarinet . My mom bought it at a yard sale. Okay well the music teacher kicked me out in front of everyone. Said I had no business playing music. Come to find out my clarinet had been eaten by moths in the inside. So it sounded horrible, I never took another music class and was bullied.
- Getting friendzoned by a girl I was crushing on for 3 years prior. It took me 3 years to build up the courage to tell her about the feelings I had for her and I got the dreaded “I love you as a friend” response. Joke’s on her though, I returned 8 years later with another shot and we got happily married last year.
- Diagnosed with Stage 3 melanoma as a sophomore. Still around 20 years later. Knocks on wood
- One year I was in a class full of people i did not get along with, loneliest year in all my life.
- Walking down the hall and the girl I had a crush on was walking the other direction. She waved at me so I waved back. Turns out she was waving at someone behind me. I dipped into the nearest classroom out of sheer embarrassment and stayed there until they left.
- boyfriend broke up with me on my birthday
- Becoming the laughing stock of my batch because I asked a girl out.
Just a house of horrors of stories, and those are just the ones I decided to include. There were many more that I withheld because they were far too dark and grim.
Where the hell did these people go to high school? I never saw anything like this growing up, and I certainly never personally went through anything traumatic or bad in high school.
I went to a high school that had around 160-180 kids in it. I think my graduating class was around 40 kids. It was a super tiny rural Wisconsin school, and for the most part, everyone was pretty solid. The same goes for the teachers. In the entire school, we only had one obviously bad teacher. Just a horrible person who was horrible at her job. But even with that, it wasn’t horrible because she could be ignored.
Now, having said that, there is nothing more pathetic than people – mostly dudes – who talk about wanting to go back. What the hell is wrong with you? High school is supposed to be enjoyable when you’re a kid. If you’re still talking about it the moment you graduate, then you need to find ways to improve your life. It’s beyond embarrassing when I hear people talk like that. Fortunately, I haven’t heard anyone say something that stupid since I was in college.

Do you have a bad high school experience? Let me know