According to the Sun, recently, a man named David Gordon decided to refurbish his Old Cottage pub in the seaside town of Margate, southern England, to continue business. This pub is actually an old house built in 1650 and has a local grade II conservation value because of its long historical significance.

Derelict pub bought by David
During the renovation of the shop, this lucky man happened to find an extremely rare treasure from the 17th century right under the floor. Specifically, while using a vacuum cleaner to clean through the store, David heard a small noise that resembled the sound of metal.
After pouring out all the dirt, David was surprised to realize that the object was exactly an ancient coin with the image of the famous politician Oliver Cromwell dating from 1658.

Rare coin of high value found by chance by tavern owner
According to the person who found this coin, this could be someone’s object that was dropped more than 3 centuries ago. Currently, this coin has a value of up to £12,500 (equivalent to 354 million dong).
Besides this rare coin, David also shared that inside the shop, there is a fireplace built in the 17th century. There he found some stone cannons dating from the 1600s.
David added: “We haven’t taken these items for inspection yet, but these are the oldest objects we’ve come across in our lives. Chances are they’re not small in value.”

WҺile ɾenovating the pub, David aƖso discovered a firepƖace wιth many aɾTifacts dating back to tҺe 17Th century